
Minutes of Meeting


Esperanza Estates Homeowners assoc., Inc. Minutes of Annual Meeting
January 15. 2007

The 29th Annual Meeting of the EEHOA was called to order at 1: 11 PM by Thomas Cooke, President.

The President declared a quorum present based on the registration sheets, 107 lots present.

The President introduced the new residents to the community who have arrived since the last Annual Meeting.

The agenda was approved as presented.

Minutes of the January 16, 2006 meeting were presented and stand approved as read.

The President introduced the Board members present and introduced the four (4) candidates for election to the EEHOA Board of Directors. They were: Jim Sage, Joe McMahon,
Joseph McCalpine and Steve Brown.

The president called for nominations from the floor; hearing none, nominations were closed and the tellers retired to count the votes.

Sheila Bennen gave the Treasurer's Report as of December 31,2006. The Treasurer outlined expenditures and improvements made in the sub-division during the past year and answered questions pertaining to the Report. A copy of the Treasurer's Report is on file with the Board of Directors.

Ken Miller gave the Maintenance & Operations Report, and discussed the work crews and projects involved in maintaining the 22 acres of common area. Chairman Miller plans to hold a meeting (date & time to be announced) to discuss tree removal in the common areas.

Sam Barnard gave the Hospitality Committee Report and noted that the committee has $880.55 on hand as of this date.

Steve Brown gave the Architectural Committee Report and reminded residents that any plans for home improvement must be submitted to the Board for approval. Also, Dunn Edwards Paint Co. can be contacted for paint colors to match homes. It was noted that the Edwards Co. will give a 10% discount.

The Neighborhood Relations Committee Report was given by Joan Moreaux. She said there were no serious problems during the year and she listed a few minor complaints the committee dealt with.


The President gave the Capital Projects Report noting that work began on the Ramada on July 7,
2006 and has now been completed, noting that the Ramada is a very useful and attractive
addition to Esperanza Estates and will be enjoyed by many for years to come. He also reported
on the gravel work for the common grounds.

The President took this opportunity to thank the Board members, volunteers and all the residents who attended the meetings and supported the Board throughout the year.

Tess Ewing gave the Esperanza Volunteers Report of all the fund raising projects during the year. Their funds on hand as of this date are: $4,092.

Teller Lois Blacker gave the election results: Jim Sage, 119 votes; Joe McMahon, 180 votes; Joseph McCalpine, 162 votes; Steve Brown, 178 votes.

Joe McMahon, Joseph McCalpine and Steve Brown were declared elected to the Board of Directors. Jim Sage was appointed to fill the remaining one year term of Max Perry, who had resigned from the Board in October, 2006.

A Special Assessment proposal is also included on this agenda. The proposal is: Shall each homeowner pay a one-time Assessment fee of $197 to retire the loan of $70,000 used as part of the cost of the Ramada?

Teller Lois Blacker reported the results: 234 votes cast; 114 - for; 120 - against. The proposal is declared lost.

After questions, comments and announcements, motion was made and seconded that meeting be adjourned.

President Thomas Cooke adjourned the meeting at 1:38PM.



/s/ JRA

Jerry R. Allen

Recording Secretary pro tern