
Minutes of Meetings


Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Esperanza Estates Ramada

Green Valley, Az

November 19th, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by President Thomas Cooke.

Board members present: Ken Miller, Sheila Bennen, Joe McCalpin, Joe McMahon, Steve Brown, Robert Hunton, Robert Frost, and Joan Moreaux.

Board members absent: None

New Members: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bjorkman were in attendance at their first Board meeting. They reside at 1186 Circulo del Sur. They were welcomed to the Association

Comments to the Board: Walter Stremme read a police report about an incident that occurred in October on Circulo del Sur which involved two fugitives apprehended by the police at that location, and suggested Neighborhood Watch should be alert to these types of situations.

Judy Lang reported on a trespass that had occurred at the Gary Thompson residence on Placita Nueva.

Millard LaGrange spoke about a potential problem with opening the pool at a later hour than normal, which might be difficult for the lap swimmers

Acceptance of previous minutes: The minutes of the October Board meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s report: Joan Moreaux gave the treasurer’s report. We are slightly over budget, but nothing significant, and will be ok for the year.


Architectural: Ken Miller reported that he had had several requests for approval of projects with EE. He has approved 4 of them as routine modifications. He asked for Board action on two of them, a pergola at 764 Placita Nueva, and a garage wall enclosure at 732 on the same street. Following some questions by the Board, both were approved.

Capital Projects: Robert Frost had no report for capital projects for November.

Common Areas: Steve Brown reported that trimming of the Mexican Birds of Paradise and Oleanders is continuing.

A Palo Verde tree appears to be damaging our perimeter wall on Verda Calma, and will be investigated for possible removal.

GVCCC: Sheila Bennen indicated there was nothing significant to report.

Neighborhood Relations: Joe McCalpine reported on 2 incidents of barking dogs. He has talked with the involved parties and will continue to monitor the situation.

Recreational Facilities: Bob Hunton reported the tennis court will be resurfaced during the next budget period. He is still looking for a satisfactory supplemental thermometer for the pool temperatures, as there is some doubt about the present readings from the skimmer.

A study will have to be conducted to determine an appropriate set of rules for use of the ramada by larger groups, as this is a new problem and we have no experience with it. It is possible that a charge of some type will need to be implemented, and rules involving the use of alcohol.

Hospitality Committee: Scottie Blum reported the Committee is planning a Happy Hour Christmas Party at the ramada for December 10th. Drinks will be supplied free of charge by the Committee. In conjunction with this, the Enhancement Team will hold a fund raising auction.


Neighborhood Watch: Mary Beth Wallace reported that a meeting of NW personnel was held Saturday the 22nd at the ramada. New member of the Committee would be welcomed, as the more "eyes" we have in our neighborhoods the safer we will be.

Enhancement Committee: Lois Blacker reported that the first meeting of the Team will be held at the White residence on November 29th. During this meeting the Team will be planning the winter improvement activities for the subdivision. They currently have $2671.51 on hand. The annual garage sale will be held in March of 2008.

Old Business: Bob Frost reported he still has opening for the election to be held in January for the Board, and is soliciting candidates. The deadline is December 1st.

The need for study of our streetlights was discussed. A number of problems with them has been found to exist. Many are in bad condition and are not maintained. Some residents have replaced them with solar lights that are too dim to be of value. It is no longer possible to buy the original head now, and so many are no longer uniform. The consensus is to form a committee to study the problem early next year.

New Business: Joan Moreaux presented the 2008 budget, formulated by the budget committee. An increase of $20 per household has been proposed for the annual assessment to cover some capital needs and increased costs of operations generally. A brief discussion was held, following which Bob Hunton moved for adoption of the budget. Bob Frost seconded the motion and upon the question being called, it was approved with one nay note.

Joe McMahon moved for the appointment of an ad hoc committee to study all aspects of operation of the pool. Any interested resident could serve and offer suggestions and advice. The committee would make a comprehensive report to the Board. Joan Moreaux seconded the motion and it was passed. Joe volunteered to head the committee, and an invitation will be extended to residents to serve. This will be published in the Monday Morning Memo and the Periodico, as well as being posted at the pool.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m.