
Minutes of Meetings


Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Esperanza Estates Ramada

Green Valley, Az

December 17th, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by President Thomas Cooke.

Board members present: Ken Miller, Sheila Bennen, Joe McCalpin, Joe McMahon, Steve Brown, Robert Hunton, Robert Frost, and Joan Moreaux.

Board members absent: None

New Members: No new members were in attendance at the meeting.

Comments to the Board: No comments to the Board were made.

Acceptance of previous minutes: The minutes of the November Board meeting were approved. The minutes of the December 3rd special meeting were amended to note that the amount of the special assessment being sought had been recalculated down to $165, and that the 3 monthly payments allowable would be in the sum of $55 each.

Treasurer’s report: Joan Moreaux gave the treasurer’s report. She gave details of financial data that would be presented in the December Periodico, as well as the usual monthly report. She has completed a breakdown of a number of financial items that are not usually included in the normal report, and some that are included, but are confusing.


Architectural: Ken Miller reported that he had received one request for a standard remodeling item for a model 263 unit at 821 Circulo Napa. Upon Board review, it was approved.

Capital Projects: Robert Frost reported that a number of the capital project items shown on the budget would need to be re-prioritized after the first of the year. A new electronic cover for the pool is going to be necessary sooner rather than later and we need to plan on how this is to be financed

Common Areas: Steve Brown reported that a Palo Verde tree that was damaging our perimeter wall on Verda Calma has been removed and the stump will be killed to prevent re-growth. Another Palo Verde at a quad is causing sewer problems and will need to be removed in the near future.

GVCCC: Sheila Bennen indicated there was nothing significant to report.

Neighborhood Relations: Joe McCalpine reported that he is working on two sensitive problem issues that it would be premature to discuss at the time.

Recreational Facilities: Bob Hunton reported that he had purchased and installed a secondary thermometer in the pool, to check the temperatures reported by the gage on the skimmer. So far after several tests the temperatures variation has been minimal. He will continue to monitor this and make adjustments as necessary, if necessary.

Hospitality Committee: Scottie Blum reported the Happy Hour held December 10th was a big success, and was attended by about 75 people even though it was a cold evening. They still have money available in their treasury for an additional function, amounting to $1031.65. More events are in the planning stages and a schedule will be firmed up after the first of the year. The Committee is pleased about the recent purchase of heaters for the ramada. Funds in the sum of $230 were donated at the function and 3 residents have agreed to each purchase and donate a heater, for a total of 6. It is believed this will be sufficient to take the chill off the ramada in chillier weather and make events planned there much more pleasant.


Neighborhood Watch: Mary Beth Wallace was not present and so no report was given, although Joan Moreaux indicated she had spoken with Mary Beth and that all was ok with the NW program.

Enhancement Committee: Tess Ewing reported for the Enhancement Team. Their recent auction raised $668 and was a big success. They have $3334.10 in their account, which will be less the cost of 2 heaters which the Team has agreed to purchase for the ramada. Their annual garage sale will be held March 1st of 2008, and they are soliciting donations of saleable articles. They will be working on a landscaping plan for the front monument area and are asking for donations of cactus plants from people who might have them available.

Old Business: There was no old business.

New Business: There were several items of new business.

Joe McMahon reported on the findings and determinations of the ad hoc pool committee, which will be published in the December Periodico. From these findings, 2 motions were made as follows: to change the winter pool hours to 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and then to review this change in February to determine if it should continue; and to study the way sanctions might be imposed upon people who disregard the hours and use the pool at times when it is officially closed. Both motions were seconded.

A general discussion ensued upon these motions, but the Board elected to make no change in either, and upon the question being called, both motions passed unanimously.

Joe also presented a job description for the pool attendant which had been prepared by 2 knowledgeable residents, Scottie Blum and Judith Lang. This will of use in the future when a final determination is made about who will be caretaker at the pool--either a volunteer or hired individual.

Finally, Joe presented some ideas for governing the use of the ramada in the future. The chairman stated that he wanted to leave any final determination on ramada rules to an ad hoc committee, in order that all points of view be considered.

An announcement was made as a reminder for the annual meeting, which will take place in January. A general mailing to all owners will be made to provide full details, after Christmas.

A report was given on the ramada heaters, with thanks to all who have helped in this endeavor, in particular, the Ellingsons who did all of the research and leg work on getting them ordered and purchasing the propane tanks.


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.