
Minutes of Meetings


Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Esperanza Estates Ramada

Green Valley, Az

February 18, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by President Thomas Cooke.

Board members present: Ken Miller, Bruce Liljegren, Joe McCalpin, Joe McMahon, Steve Brown, Robert Hunton, Robert Frost, and Joan Moreaux.

Board members absent: None

New Members: No new HOA members were present.

Comments to the Board: Edward Lord complained to the Board that he had to pay a CUF charge, when he was already an owner within EE, and stated he felt this charge should not be imposed on existing owners who purchase another home within the subdivision.

Acceptance of previous minutes: No minutes were presented for approval because the last meeting was the annual meeting, and those minutes will not be up for approval until the next annual meeting in 2009.

Treasurer’s report: Joan Moreaux gave the treasurer’s report. It was noted that approximately 200 people had responded with payment on the special assessment to date. Joe McCalpin moved and Ken Miller seconded a motion to approve donation of the memorial brick sale proceeds to the Enhancement Team, to defray part of the cost of installing sun/wind shades at the ramada, which donations total approximately $1940. The motion passed.


Architectural: Ken Miller reported that he had received one request for construction of a ramada covering for a back patio. The Board reviewed the drawing and authorized approval.

Capital Projects: Robert Frost reported he has been researching some resurfacing possibilities for the tennis court, which is planned for completion later in the Spring. No action was taken at this time. Joe McMahon reported he had obtained two bids for a new electric pool cover which were very similar in cost. Following a general discussion, it was moved and seconded to accept the offer made by Goodin Pools, for a complete job for the sum of $8500. The motion passed.

Common Areas: Steve Brown reported matters are under control in the common areas. A palo verde tree which had been cracking a parameter wall has been removed, and plans are being made to repair the crack. Weeds are beginning to sprout in some areas, and AAA will be asked to address this as part of their tasks.

GVCCC: Sheila Bennen indicated that she would attend the next meeting with Bruce Liljegren and he would be appointed the primary representative from EE, with her to remain as alternate.

Neighborhood Relations: Bruce Liljegren reported there were no unhandled problems pending, and that peace and harmony was prevailing.

Recreational Facilities: Bob Hunton reported that as a result of time constraints he would no longer be available for the pool detail. As a result an attempt will be made to assign this task to another Board member for overall supervision, and to have the actual day to day tasks performed by volunteers until another manner of handling it has been identified. Several volunteers have been identified who have agreed to do some of the pool tasks on a rotating basis.

Hospitality Committee: Scottie Blum reported the Committee put on a Valentine’s Day party at the ramada that was a big success, and was well attended. Another Hamburger Night is planned for later in February. They have a fund balance of $993.13.



Neighborhood Watch: Mary Beth Wallace reported that all is well with Neighborhood Watch.

Enhancement Committee: Lois Blacker reported a balance of $1616.24 in the Enhancement Team account, and all obligations are current except for the Portillo sign. The garage sale fund raiser is scheduled for March 8th, and donations have been very good. There will be baked goods for sale as well as coffee and donuts.

Old Business: Ben Sheffield distributed copies of a memorandum from the corporate attorney written in 2002, which he believed indicated the imposition of a CUF without a vote was not legal. He was advised the memo would be reviewed and appropriate action taken if warranted. Joan Moreaux moved that the CUF be rescinded and stated several reasons why. The motion was seconded by Bruce Liljegren, and considerable discussion ensued, both by the Board members and the HOA attendees. Upon the question being called, the motion was defeated, with one vote yes, one abstention, and the rest of the votes against it.

New Business: Joe McMahon moved and Ken Miller seconded a motion to modify the CUF resolution in order that it would not be imposed on any existing owner who then bought another home within EE. The motion passed. The only person to whom this has happened is Edward Lord, who is accordingly now entitled to a refund of the fee he paid.

In April there will be a party to honor and thank the volunteers who assist in running the subdivision. Ken Miller moved and Joe McCalpin seconded a motion to have the Board contribute a sum not to exceed $250 to pay for refreshments necessary for this function.

A short discussion was held about any needed action to prevent slipping in the pool restrooms by persons exiting the showers, and it was felt the best manner of handling this is through placement of a mat on the floor outside the shower stall.


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m.

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