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Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association


Meeting of the Board of Directors

Bank of America Building

Green Valley, AZ

February 19, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 by President Thomas Cooke.

Board members present: Ken Miller, Sheila Bennen, Joe McCalpine, Joe McMahon, Robert Frost, Jim Sage, and Joan Moreaux

Board members absent: Steve Brown

Comments to the Board: Ruth Fjelstad expressed disbelief in the loss of the special assessment question at the annual meeting. She also thanked the Board for all of its hard work in managing the subdivision.
Walter Stremme stated that he thought the number of persons attending Board meetings should be reported regularly in the Periodico. After some discussion, the Board failed to agree, stating that to do so would be essential of no value.

Acceptance of previous minutes: Minutes of the February 4th special meeting were approved as read. It was requested by member Joe McCalpine that a letter of thanks be sent to Jack King, an arborist who examined the tree which was the subject of the special meeting, at no charge to us. Tom agreed to send the letter. The subject tree has been removed at a cost of $600, $200 of which was paid by Jim Sage. Jim also contributed the sum of $50 for the purchase of another tree to take the place of the one removed.

Treasurer’s report: Joan Moreaux gave the treasurer’s report, and it was accepted as presented. She reported the final bill to the contractor for the ramada was scheduled to be paid, and asked for Board approval, which was granted. She stated that in the future, vouchers would have to be presented for any reimbursement requested by a Board member, and she has designed a form for that purpose.


Architectural: No report

Capital Projects: Robert Frost reported that he, Jim Sage and Lance Ewing would be beginning work on the reinstallation of the pool solar heater in the near future. Jim Sage asked for permission to replace the doors on the tennis storage shed, but was asked to obtain a firm figure before we proceed with this. Tom reported that he would be obtaining bids from 2 electrical contractors for doing the wiring on the new ramada.

Common Areas: Ken Miller reported the AAA work crews are busy, doing landscaping work on the common areas below Portillo. He has received several homeowners’ requests, which will be addressed in the near future. He has been approached by another landscape maintenance firm who is interested in bidding on doing EE’s work, but was advised that the Board would not consider any such bid unless by a company that was fully licensed and insured, and with proof that it hired only persons in the US with legal status.

GVCCC: Sheila reported the annual hazardous waste collection effort will be held in March, and that a will workshop was being scheduled. Also, Community water Company is starting to work on bringing CAP water to Green Valley, and would be providing regular updates on this.

Neighborhood Relations: Joe McCalpine reported no problems with neighborhood relations, but that he is proposing a protocol for the future removal of trees from common areas. It will be further discussed after being published in the Periodico.

Recreational Facilities: See report on capital projects.

Hospitality Committee: Sam Barnard reported the committee has picked up some new members. There will be a Chili Night on Saturday, February 24th and another Hamburger Night on March 24th. They have opened a private checking account to save money on bank service charges, and currently have a balance of $1014.04.

Neighborhood Watch: Mary Beth Wallace reported all is ok with Neighborhood Watch.

Enhancement Committee: Lois Blacker reported the committee has purchased new tables and chairs for the new ramada that will allow for seating for 100 persons. They have also purchased and installed a bulletin board at the ramada, of a weather-proof type, and are doing improvement work on the EE monument. They have funds remaining of $2983.48 at this time.

Old Business: None

New Business: Jim Sage will obtain additional information about the "buy a brick" program as a fund raiser for the ramada.

Ken Miller to trying to raise funds for a "grand opening" at the new ramada at a time in the future.

Adjournment: 2:45