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Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

March 21, 2011

Esperanza Estates Ramada

Green Valley, AZ

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by President Thomas Cooke.

Board members present: Joan Moreaux, Joe McCalpin, Barb McCalpin, Stoney Brown, Sam Barnard, Craig Surprise, Boyd Morse, and Dean Hess.

Board members absent: None

Announcements and Recognition of New Members: There were no announcements, but Ann Kear was welcomed as a first time meeting attendee.

Acceptance of previous minutes: There were no corrections to the February meeting minutes, which are considered approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Joan Moreaux gave the Treasurer’s Report. She reported several homeowners have not yet paid their 2011 annual assessment, and demand letters will be going out shortly. The current federal and state income tax forms have been signed and sent in, with a small amount of tax payable by the HOA. The income statement and balance sheets were gone over briefly and explained. The HOA is slightly under budget for the year to date, but matters are tracking well so far.

Committee Reports:

Architectural: Craig Surprise and Dean Hess reported.  A new form has been designed and will be made available on the EE website for those wanting to paint their home.  Another form, of a check-sheet type, has been created and will used for the inspection of homes for sale, to indicate compliance or non-compliance with the current CC&R’s.  So far 13 properties have been inspected, and 3 have been found to be deficient. Some paint discrepancies have been noted, and following a general discussion, the Board agreed these can not be overlooked, or “grandfathered”, and will need attention. The Board directed the Committee to notify the owner of any home out of compliance with CC&R paint requirements to correct the violation within 30 days, or the Board would take further enforcement action.

The Committee has also designed a protocol to keep track of requests for structural modifications, on a running and permanent basis.

A short presentation was made by Mike of Ace Hardware about their paints, and indicating they would allow a 10% discount on paint for EE customers who purchase from their store. They have computer matched all 4 of the EE colors, and Norfolk Brown.

Capital Projects: Barb McCalpin reported the Enhancement Team has recently purchased 4 new trash cans for the Ramada, together with liners, and gotten rid of the old cans at the recent Team garage sale. Request is being made that the cans be lined before use in the future, and a supply of can liners will be kept in a convenient location.

The Team has also agreed to finance an acoustical study for the Ramada, at a cost of approximately $900, without any condition that the Board would finance any suggested solution, but with the request that the Board would look at any proposed solution and make a determination if implementing it made sense--in the Board’s discretion. The Board asked the Team to proceed with it on this understanding.

Common Areas: Stoney Brown reported. Matters are pretty quiet in the common areas so far, and with the extremely low rainfall so far this winter, the weeds have not become a problem. This fact makes the use of a pre-emergent herbicide questionable at this time. Stoney is concerned about the condition of the common area palms due to the high rate of winter kill, and it appears that doing the annual trim later this year will be a considerably bigger job than normal, and may cost more than budgeted as well, due to the need to trim off more than the usual die-back. He suggests that no attempt be made immediately to deal with the winterkill, but instead to wait and deal with it at the end of June, the normal time to do the trim.

The Volunteer Landscape Work Crew has cleaned up a section of the walking trail, and done a nice job.

GVC: Joe is writing an article for the next Periodico, explaining what the Council has been doing.

Neighborhood Relations: Boyd Morse reported that peace and harmony is prevailing, with one exception that has been dealt with involving neighbors and an encroaching tree.

Recreational Facilities: Tom Cooke discussed the possibility of changing the winter pool hours to cut them down in an attempt to save the high cost of heating the pool during the winter when it gets little use. A motion was made to have the winter hours be a one hour period at 7 to 8, then close until 10, and open at 10 and close at 6. The motion was seconded, but following discussion and a comment from Ben Sheffield in the audience -- to the effect that we should consider tying the pool opening in the winter to a certain minimum outside temperature -- it was decided to research this possibility further.  The matter will be taken up again at the April board meeting, after checking other pools in the area for opening times, and possible temperature minimums, and other sources of related information. The second was withdrawn and no further action was taken on the motion.

There was also a discussion about going ahead with the purchase of pool furniture which was budgeted for this year. It was decided to go ahead with this purchase.

Hospitality: Sam Barnard reported. Hamburger Nite has been scheduled for the second Tuesday of April. The Committee has about $1,100 on hand.

Neighborhood Watch: No report.

Enhancement Team: The annual garage sale was a big success, and raised $3,712.25. The Team has $5,398.97 on hand. Successful projects so far have included the new trash wall at the Ramada, new garbage cans, and a new light installed at the Portillo entrance monument. A new faucet has also been installed at the Ramada sink, and a new bulletin board is being built and will be installed.

The Team needs a garage to rent to hold storage items for the garage sale, and will be seeking one.

Old Business: A policy for record retention for the HOA is still being looked at. It has been determined that to do it electronically is not feasible. The Volunteer Appreciation Dinner is set for the 27th of March. If it goes over budget, the Board agreed to cover the costs due to the importance of the volunteer efforts to the successful operation of the HOA, and due to a miscalculation, there was less budgeted for the event this year than last year.

Boyd Morse has obtained a couple of exemplars of rope lights to replace the icicle lights now hanging in the Ramada. The examples look good, and we will proceed on this as a project in the future.

New Business: An ad hoc committee to consider changing the CC&R’s to eliminate all but one garbage company from servicing the homes in EE will meet today, and report back in the future.

There was a discussion about emphasizing the need for all winter visitors to make arrangements for their yards and trees to be taken care of during periods of their absence.

Miscellaneous Items: None discussed.


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2: 32 pm


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