
Minutes of Meetings


April 16, 2007

  I.  The meeting was called to order at 1 :30 PM by Joe McMahon.
      There were no new members present. Board members present: Joe
      McMahon, Ken Miller, Robert Frost, Joe McCalpin, Jim Sage, Joan
      Moreaux, Steve Brown and Sheila Bennen. Board members absent:
      Tom Cooke


Announcements/Additions to the 31!enda:

There were no additions to the agenda

Jim Sage announced that many new bricks were placed at the Ramada and all residents should view.

Jeanne Barzan expressed a desire that all residents communicate in a spirit of cooperation for the betterment of the community. She also clarified the comment that had been expressed by a resident in the MM1v1 that the garden survey that was done in 2003was paid for by the NEET Committee, forerunner of the Volunteers.

Joe McMahon made a statement that he doesn't censor all comments unless they are judged to be spiteful. He answers all legitimate questions


Acceptance of March 19 .• 2007 Minutes:

Ken Miller moved for acceptance, Jim Sage seconded - motion passed.


Treasurers report:

Joan Moreaux presented the budget. She stated that Ben Sheffield and Robert Frost met with her and the accountant and they adjusted the budget figures to align the numbers. No dollar amounts were changed. She also stated that the CD had been rolled over at Chase Bank since the interest amounts were comparable to all other banks she surveyed. Ken Miller move acceptance, Robert Frost seconded - motion passed.


Committee Reports:

  1. Architectural Committee: Ken Miller stated that he had surveyed the area and contacted the owner with the blue windows - it will be corrected, The gate that was out of paint compliance has been changed and been OK'd by Steve Brown. Two garage doors need painting. Ken will police the subdivision to assure all is in compliance.
  2. Capital Projects: Joan, Robert and Ben Sheffield consulted with the EE accountant to align the amounts on the Capital Project Projections. Robert stated that a new shuffleboard court may be projected for the future - cost proximally $10,000. Some major pool equipment must be replaced by 2009. A replacement pool cover is needed if the present one can't be repaired. - Ken asked that street light replacement be considered in the future. - Jim Sage had contacted the Solar System Company and they informed him that the warranty is void. The solar system was destroyed by the recent high winds and Joe McMahon will consult the insurance company about possible
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  1. Common Area: Steve Brown reported that he had observed several areas that need to be cleaned up. He asked to buy several small items so he can correct some areas. - A discussion of palm tree tril11..ming was held. It was decided a few companies would be contacted to obtain the best price and determine when the work would be done. ­ There is a tree on Esperanza that appears to be dead. We will wait until the monsoons to determine if it should be removed.
  2. GVCCC: Sheila Bennen Reported that the huge crack in Arroyo #9 had been corrected and that the downed street sign on Circulo Napa and Placita Nueva had been reported to GVCCC.
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  1. Neighborhood Relations: Joe McCalpin reported that no new problems were reported and the old problem had been resolved.
  2. Recreational Facilities: Jim Sage reported that he felt a committee should be appointed to periodically clean the Ramada. He also reported that after a function the garbage cans should be placed inside the back gate of the pool to keep away the javelins. Scottie Blum will take care of this.
  3. Hospitality Committee: Scottie Blum reported that a refrigerator has been purchased and that Walter Stremme has donated a small freezer. The refrigerator in the pool area has no lock so anyone can use it. The committed has a ball-K: balance of $822.73
  4. Neighborhood Watch: Mary Beth Wallace reported that all is well.

She also has obtained two pieces of important information for new


home owners from GVCC which be included in the new comer's packet.

  1. Enhancement committee: Lois Blacker explained the evolvement of the Enhancement Committee. They have $2,668.51 in their bank account. They do not plan on any new project or where best to spend their money until next September when the winter visitors return.

VI. Old business: A discussion began on Area Maintenance. It was decided that we could not finish the discussion because of time . constraints. It was moved that the discussion be tabled and studied more fully at a future meeting

VII. Adjournment: Jim Sage moved for adjournment seconded by Ken Miller. Meeting adjourned at 3PM.