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Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

June 21, 2010

Esperanza Estates Ramada

Green Valley, AZ

The meeting was called to order at our HOA Ramada at 1:00pm by Vice President Bruce Liljegren. There were no new members present. Tom Cooke, Sandy Reed and Sam Barnard had excused absences.  A quorum was declared present.

May 17th Board Meeting Minutes - approved, as corrected, with an end time noted for that meeting as 2:05pm which had not been included.

Treasurer's Report - Joan Moreaux presented a financial summary in her report. She did report that our accountant has been out of town, and has not dealt with depreciation issues yet. The report was accepted on a motion by Bob Hunton and seconded by Joe McCalpin. According to her report, revenue is slightly over budget and expenses year to date are under budget. There have been 11 homes sold this year and each has a transfer fee of $200.00 payable to the association.

Architectural - Bob Hunton reported two property closings, 831 Napa and 852 Regalo, were concluded after an inspection by Architectural Control.  All exterior paint and trim was found to be in compliance with the CC&R's. Three additional properties, not in compliance, were discussed: 155 Napa has a garage door that needs to be painted, and the owner, George Corral, must comply with the closing release forms and paint the door before he can complete the sale of his property; 152 Napa (gate wrong color) and 793 Regalo (roof line wrong color) will be handled differently, since both owners have received multiple reminders to no avail.

Capital Projects - Bruce Liljegren reported in Sandy Reed's absence that we have no outstanding projects at this time and a report on HOA street light replacement would be discussed later in the New Business Report.

Common Area Maintenance - Stony Brown reported that Palm Tree trimming has started in Common Areas this week and is ongoing. Homeowners have begun trimming the Palms on their property, and this is a requirement by the Board. Three Bottle Bushes have been planted by Gary Chelseth and Bruce Liljegren, replacing dead bushes which Stony had removed just inside the pool entrance. Gary and Bruce will be installing additional desert plants to replace ones removed outside the north pool wall along Ensalmo.

GVCCC - Joe McCalpin reported there was no GVCCC meeting this month.  Bruce thanked Joe for his work in getting some issues addressed by the county, including a sidewalk that needed extensive repair.

Neighborhood Relations - No Report.  It was noted, however, that a camper has been parked in a driveway for several days and is being occupied, which is against CC&R's.  Joe and Bruce will look into the matter.

Recreational Facilities - Bruce Liljegren reported, in Tom Cooke's absence, that everything is working at the pool and spa. The in-ground watering system has had repairs made this month, along with issues with a pack rat in the pump room. The automatic water filler for the spa has been repaired, There are some water leaks in the pump room which Green Valley Pools and Spa is repairing.

Neighborhood Watch -  No new issues according to Mary Beth Wallace. She does have directories available if anyone needs another one.

Enhancement - Barb McCalpin reported that her committee is beginning to collect items for the neighborhood garage sale. If you have items, give her a call; the committee will pick up items and can store them.  Look for more information in the Periodico and Monday Morn-ing Memos going forward.

Old Business - No Report

New Business - Joe McCalpin reported on the street lamp replacement progress. He is preparing a report to go in the June Periodico. Approximately 30 lights have been installed to date.

Meeting adjourned at 2:05pm. There will be no Board Meeting in July or August.

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