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Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

September 17, 2012

Esperanza Estates Ramada

Green Valley, AZ

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Tom Cooke at 1:00 PM on 17 September, 2012.
A quorum was determined and the meeting opened.

Acceptance of previous minutes: There were no corrections to the June meeting minutes, which are considered approved.

I. Treasurer's Report: Joan Moreaux reported that we are under budget for the preceding month, but over budget for the year. A complete copy of this report is available from Joan.

II. Committee Reports:

Architectural Control: Jim Lindberg reported that the new restrooms adjacent to the tennis/pickleball courts are open for business. Some difficulties were reported with keys operating the locks, these will be resolved by a locksmith. It was noted by the assembly that this improvement to our facilities was made possible through the heroic efforts of Ben Sheffield, Jim Lindberg and Kevin Welsh. In other matters, two requests for home improvements have been received. Max Perry requested approval to install a shade over a front window. Request granted. Bill Eads requested approval to install a cover over his rear patio. This request was deferred for more detail on the roof material.

Capital Projects: Boyd Morse reported that no new projects were underway.

Weed Control: Boyd Morse reported that the use of the tractor and sprayer has saved the HOA thousands of dollars and improved the appearance of all of our common areas. He also noted that only 32 out of 351 homes were not in compliance and that, of those, 12 homeowners were taking steps to comply. It should be noted that this situation is a huge improvement over last year.

Common Area Maintenance: Dean Hess reported that the subdivision common areas had been divided into 4 quadrants and the landscapers would concentrate on one quadrant for each week's work session. He also noted that specific problems, such as tree removal, will occasionally take the crew away from the assigned area.

Neighborhood Relations: No Report.

Recreational Facilities: Tom Cooke reported that the 24 hour operation of the pool and spa caused more pump failures than one might expect in a residential pool. Tom also reported that the pickleball activity continued through the summer and that it might expand to daily use as the winter folks came back.

Green Valley Council: Joe McCalpin reported on Street improvements and the activities of the Community Services Committee. The details are reported in the September Periodico.

Hospitality: Sam Barnard almost gave a summary of future events. The details of which are in the Periodico.

Neighborhood Watch: Mary Beth Wallace reported that there were vacancies in some NW Block Captaincies. In order to maintain this critical service, new Captains must be recruited.

Enhancement: Barb McCalpin reported that an estimate was requested from T&R Ironworks to install a railing on the steps located in the Southeast corner of the Ramada. Identification of new projects will resume as Committee members returned to EE.

III. Old Business:

Tom Cooke reported that the name tag effort conducted by Melodye Cooke was very successful in a very interesting way, in that people would not need a name tag if they weren't coming to our functions. With over 160 name tags being purchased to date, the popularity of our functions is established.

IV. New Business:

The Board approved new rules for the use of the fire pit located at what was previously known as  Flag Park. These rules will be posted at the park and made available on the website. The Park is now being referred to as Esperanza Park, on a temporary basis; see the following.

Denise Rossele, and Cynthia Surprise will conduct a contest to rename Flag/Esperanza Park, and to determine names for the two new 'pie [shaped] parks' on Circulo del Norte.

There being no further business to be brought before the meeting, it was adjourned at 2 p.m.

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