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Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

September 19, 2011

Esperanza Estates Ramada

Green Valley, AZ

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by President Thomas Cooke.

Board members present: Joan Moreaux, Boyd Morse, Dean Hess, Stoney Brown, and Sam Barnard.

Board members absent: Craig Surprise, Joe McCalpin and Barb McCalpin were absent, but all were excused.

Announcements and Recognition of New Members: There were no announcements, nor new members attending the meeting.

Acceptance of previous minutes: There were no corrections to the June meeting minutes, which are considered approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Joan Moreaux gave the treasurer’s report, which was largely unremarkable.  An old assessment has been determined to be uncollectible, so will be written off. The Budget Committee for developing the 2012 HOA budget is forming, and meetings will begin in October to work out the details. Collections have been made for some of the palms on private property the HOA had trimmed when the owners failed to do so.

Committee Reports:

Architectural: Dean Hess reported on some inspections he had made over the summer. No problems are noted as continuing.

Capital Projects: Stoney Brown will be the new Chairman of this committee, having been reassigned from Common Areas.

Common Areas: Stoney Brown and Tom Cooke reported. Stoney was extended the thanks of the Board, and the HOA, for his years of service in caring for our Common Areas.  Dean Hess will be the new Chair of this committee, and will work with Tom Cooke until he is familiar with the protocol. The primary problem in common areas has been the weed situation, which is gradually coming under control. Extra crews have been hired from Hot Desert Landscaping to work specifically on weed control--all of which has to be done at a cost over and above our contract with the firm.

One old and dying Palo Verde tree has been removed, as it had become dangerous and a hazard.

GVC: Dean Hess, our alternate GVC rep, explained what the Council has been doing. Our subdivision recently made a presentation to the GVC, with a slide-show showing a number of things we have done over the past few years by way of improvements. The slides were assembled by our webmaster, Craig Surprise, and reports are that the show was enjoyed by the GVC.

Neighborhood Relations: Boyd Morse reported that peace and harmony is prevailing in Esperanza Estates. The only recent issue has been the parking of a large fifth-wheel RV on Regalo, but that has been abated by the owner, who explained it was there temporarily, and will not be coming back.

Recreational Facilities: Tom Cooke reported that all is well with the recreational facilities. A few minor leaks in the pool equipment have been repaired.  It is expected that the pickle ball program at the tennis/pickle ball courts will resume next month, and will run until the following April.

Hospitality: Sam Barnard reported that the monthly Hamburger Nites will resume in October, there will be a Halloween party, and more events are being planned.

Neighborhood Watch: Mary Beth Wallace reported that updating is being done on the Neighborhood Watch records. Matters have been quiet over the summer, but are expected to pick up as winter residents and new owners return.  She has EE Phone & Street Directories for sale.

Enhancement Team: No report.

Old Business: There was no old business.

New Business: The remaining flag pole at EE Park on Holgado failed over the summer due to wind damage.  There was a general discussion, including a review of the costs associated with continuing to replace flags, and the need to have sufficient volunteers to service the poles.  After a motion, duly made and seconded, it was unanimously

VOTED: not to replace the flag pole at this location, but to study:
(1) whether to replace a flag pole in an EE Common Area at all, and
(2) if the decision is made to do so, where it should be located.

The second item under New Business involved a discussion of the weed situation and the possibility of obtaining equipment that would belong to the HOA and be used to address this every-year continuing issue. Tom Cooke reported that he and Boyd Morse had located a used “gator” (a type of engine-propelled, mobile equipment) on which a weed tank and spray apparatus can be mounted, for a total cost of about $3,500. This equipment would enable the HOA to have control over the timing of applications and areas where spray would be applied, without having to hire an outside company to do this work. The cost of hiring a firm to do this same work is prohibitive, and the results have been largely unsatisfactory; it is believed by acquiring our own equipment, the work could be done faster, and more cheaply, than by using an outside company. The problems of where to store the equipment, its maintenance requirements, its operation, the cost of weed spray, and other related issues were discussed.  After a motion, duly made and seconded, it was

VOTED: to study the ramifications involved in acquiring the equipment that was located for a period not to exceed 15 days, following which the equipment will be purchased, unless a majority of the Board calls for a Special Meeting to reconsider said action, said Special Meeting to be called in the manner provided by law.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

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