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Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

February 15, 2010

Esperanza Estates Ramada

Green Valley, AZ

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by President Thomas Cooke.

Board members present: Joe McCalpin, Barb McCalpin, Bruce Liljegren, Joan Moreaux, Sam Barnard, Bob Hunton, Sandy Reed, and Stoney Brown.

Board members absent: None

Announcements: There were no announcements.

Acceptance of previous minutes: There were no corrections to the January annual meeting minutes, which are considered approved.

Treasurer’s report: Joan Moreaux gave the treasurer’s report. She provided details of the current financial statements, and reported generally the HOA is operating under budget to this point in the year. She also gave a general report on the financial statements, which are unremarkable.


Architectural: Bob Hunton reported that most of the people whom he has written to about CC&R violations have responded positively, with only a couple of exceptions, on which he will take action by an approach and discussion method, along with the HOA president. There are no serious issues involving CC&R violations pending requiring Board action at this time. He has had two requests for approval of exterior work, being from Carl McDaniels and Craig and Cynthia Surprise. Plans have been submitted for both, and neither appears problematical. The McDaniel’s proposal involves a porch extension and the Surprise's plan for a partial enclosure of their garage. Upon motion duly made and seconded, both proposals were approved.

Capital Projects: There are currently no on-going capital projects; however work on re-plastering the pool and on a couple of the quad driveways are on the horizon. Meetings will be held sometime over the next 30 days or so with the two contractors who have bid on the pool work, to give the Board time to ask questions. Sandy Reed has assumed chairmanship of this committee, replacing Barb McCalpin, who is now working on a committee to welcome newcomers to the subdivision.

Common Areas: Stoney Brown reported all is well in the common areas. A saguaro on Esperanza Blvd. is leaning somewhat, but the landscapers have indicated they would stake it to correct the problem. A tree that was removed is starting to re-grow, and will be given attention to abate it before it becomes a problem.

GVCCC: Joe McCalpin, who has assumed the representation of EE with the GVCCC, reported briefly on the recent GVCCC activities. A full report will appear in the February Periodico.

Neighborhood Relations: Sam Barnard reported on a matter involving two neighbors and damage to their common wall. This will probably need Board action in the future.

Recreational Facilities: Tom Cooke reported that some of the cool decking at the pool, which was done about a year ago, has started to flake somewhat. Apparently there was no guarantee on this work when it was done, so there is little that can be done about it. The work that was done was of a “stop-gap” nature, with the decision having been made to wait to do serious work on the decking until the time the inside of the pool is redone later in this year.

Hospitality Committee: Scottie Bloom reported for the Committee, which is busy and planning events. They have $1587.56 on hand at this time.

Neighborhood Watch: Mary Beth Wallace reported all is well with the Neighborhood Watch Committee. She has about 30 EE telephone directories for sale.

Enhancement Committee: The Committee is planning for the March 6 sale, which will include a bake sale as well.

Old Business: No old business.

New Business: There were two items of new business. The first involves the Volunteers Appreciation Dinner, to be held in April. The committee handling this has determined that to do it right and honor the volunteers appropriately with a sit down dinner, they will need an additional allocation from the Board. Following a general discussion, it was moved, seconded, and passed to allocate an additional sum of $800 toward the costs of the dinner. There are about 130 volunteers, and it expected that about 100 to 115 will actually attend.

The second item of new business involves a proposal by the Enhancement Team to do some beautification tile work, using decorative tile, at the EE sign on Esperanza Blvd. After a presentation by Team member Jim Lindberg, it was moved, seconded, and passed to permit this to occur at the expense of the Team.

Barb McCalpin gave a brief presentation on the Newcomer's Brunch, to be held in March to acquaint newcomers to EE with the subdivision and the governing Board. A welcoming committee, to be known as Bienvenidos a Esperanza, has been formed to handle this.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2.20 p.m.

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