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Esperanza Estates Homeowners Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Esperanza Estates Ramada

Green Valley, Az

June 18th, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by President Thomas Cooke.

Board members present: Ken Miller, Sheila Bennen, Joe McCalpine, Joe McMahon, Steve Brown, Robert Hunton, and Joan Moreaux.

Board members absent: Robert Frost

Comments to the Board: There were no announcements, amendments to the agenda, or comments to the Board from those in attendance.

Acceptance of previous minutes: The minutes of the May Board meeting were approved.

Treasurers report: Joan Moreaux gave the treasurers report. We are slightly over budget, but tracking well. There were several out-of-normal expenses, such as the high natural gas bill for the pool, that caused the overage. Joan feels we are well in control of Association finances. The monthly expense of our landscapers has decreased by $500, which will help meet the annual budget and keep us on target.


Architectural: Ken Miller reported there are several garage doors that require painting. He has been in touch with some of the owners and is attempting to contact the rest to advise them of the painting requirement. He reported that approximately 60% of the light poles in EE require painting or other maintenance, and asked that this be noted in the Monday Morning Memo.

Ken reported that at the Boards request, he, Joe McMahon and Steve Brown inspected the east stairs to the tennis court in response to a complaint about their condition. No problems could be found.

It was noted that a walkway outside of the patio walls on Excelso had been painted, and might be a violation. A further inspection will be conducted. It was also noted that a garage support beam on Enselmo appeared to out of alignment, and will be inspected further as well.

Capital Projects: Robert Frost was absent, but Tom Cooke reported that the solar pool collectors had been installed on May 24th, and appear to be functioning very well. The future gas bills will be watched closely to determine the savings, which show the potential to be substantial.

Common Areas: Steve Brown reported that he had been receiving substantial help on several common area projects from Jim Limburg. They have jointly cleaned an area behind our masonry wall on Vereda Calma that has not been touched in years, and it looks great. Joe McMahon commented on how well the area looked and suggested that it be named "Stoneys View".

The Association has completed trimming all of the common area palms, which total 69. Several private palm owners remain undone, and a list of who needs to be contacted about this is being developed.

GVCCC: Sheila Bennen reported that GVCCC is in recess over the summer, so there is no report.

Neighborhood Relations: Joe McCalpine reported that peace and harmony is prevailing in EE, and he has received no complaints.

Recreational Facilities: Bob Hunton reported the solar system for the pool is functioning well, and he is still experimenting to get it correctly adjusted. Some of the pool equipment appears to be nearing the end of its useful life, and will likely need replacing over the next few years.

Hospitality Committee: Scottie Blum reported the Committee is planning a fourth of July party. They have about $1700 in their account and will underwrite the cost of the party. Details will be announced soon.

Neighborhood Watch: Mary Beth Wallace reported that all seems to be well with the Neighborhood Watch program. She is still receiving a few updates on personnel changes.

Enhancement Committee: No report.

Old Business: Tom Cooke reported that the commemorative brick had been ordered for the Fallons, and will be installed at the ramada when received.

Tom then addressed the motion that had been made and passed at the May meeting relative to the establishing of a 7 member committee to review and suggest possible changes to the CC&Rs. He stated that in retrospect, and after a through review of the CC&Rs, this idea seemed to have some substantial problems, and moved for its amendment, as follows:

(a) That a survey form be sent out with the next Periodico, asking for homeowner thoughts on possible problems with the existing CC&Rs, and possible amendments.

(b) That a general meeting be held this Fall, when most of the winter residents have returned, at which any interested person could speak to the issue of possible changes.

(c ) That proposed changes be studied by a specially appointed committee for a possible vote at the annual meeting, after appropriate verbiage was worked out with the Associations legal counsel.

The motion was seconded by Joe McMahon and was passed unanimously.

New Business: Joe McMahon moved for the imposition of a capital utilization fee, to be levied on new purchasers of homes with EE, in the sum of $400, payable at the close of escrow. This would fall into the general fund, and to the extent possible would be used to try and offset increases in the annual assessment. There would no cost to existing owners. The motion was seconded by Ken Miller.

During discussion it was explained that this same motion was voted on by the general membership at the annual meeting in 2001, and received a majority vote of those casting ballots, but had not been implemented at that time for procedural reasons. It was also believed to be a fairness issue, and would be a small contribution toward the common area recreational facilities that have been paid for and maintained by the existing residents over past years. It was also noted that GVR has imposed a similar fee for the same reason for years.

The motion passed unanimously, and Sheila Bennen was instructed to advise the realtors association and title companies about the change, which is effective immediately.

Tom Cooke requested permission to get rid of the old solar panels, which are in sad shape and useless. Steve Brown moved and Ken Miller seconded a motion to allow this. The motion passed. Joe McMahon noted that Talkin Trash would probably haul them away free of charge. They need to be removed from the roof of the ramada first.

Steve Brown wondered if perhaps the motion passed at the last meeting to ask for a special assessment to pay off the remaining loan on the ramada might be improvident, given that the same motion failed at the annual meeting when it was voted on. A general discussion ensued, the gist of which was that as such an assessment would render a substantial saving to the HOA over the life of the loan, and since it had failed at the annual meeting by only 6 votes, that it should be run again with an explanation of the benefit of its passage.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m.


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